It is a rare thing: a love so selfless, so ravishing that it consumes our very being. This is what Jesus' love at work in our lives looks like. It is not often that we can behold such a selfless, ravishing love like Jesus's in this life. Most often it fails, disappoints, and leaves an un-sasitifed hunger in the stomach that can't be satiated. But that of Jesus--this love defies all others. It is lasting, eternal, unworthy of all other earthly loves. It is a love so great, displayed on wooden beams, afflicted and smitten for our sins. It is the mere grace and mercy of our Lord, not anything we can do. It is written on every flower, every skyline, and evident in every breath we take. God's love is infinite.
How often we loose the gravity of this! Our souls become weary, and we loose our sense of rest. In my numerous and feeble attempts of life on my own, I have discovered that failed attempts at love show the necessity for a love that demands greater. And God is a jealous God and shows nothing suffices other than His love. He uses our heartbreaks and failures to redirect our paths. He invades our lives and comfort zones to show us that we are not living for Him. And in moments fading like the sun, we find that we are but weak on our own.
How do we go about this life not transfixed? We are often bored and limit ourselves to the drab duties of our day-to-day lives, when the love of God could be dangling from our lips. We are still satisfied with mediocrity when God's death makes us alive. Alive. The one who put the stars in place has left it open for us to worship Him. Christ is here! He wants all of you, your doubts, fears, and dreams. We allow our weary bones to take refuge in other things, and won't allow our mouths to cry out, "Father!" because we don't acknowledge our need for Him. But in Him is life. In Him is possession. We are His.
And just to demonstrate this great love, He came to earth and became man. Sacrificed and humbled himself down to the level of humanity. Hungered, thirsted, cried, walked and lived like us. (Philippians 2:8, John 1:14, John 6:38) Then He bore what was rightfully ours on a cross, pouring out all His love for us. And with the words "It is finished!" he cried out in final anguish. The ability to run broken, to Jesus's saving grace fromm that moment is now unhindered. It had been paid in full in that moment. The debt mankind owed is eliminated.
We raise our empty hands, and allow Christ to fill us completely. The weight of your sin was on His bloody shoulders and on those bloody beams. And he did this because he loved us. Our finite humans minds cannot comprehend this kind of love. But we believe, and we trust, because this grace is irresistible, and we are now His.
But how does this truth transform? Jesus died for the past, present, and future. He died for a relationship with you. Joy should overflow within you so that you can't help but rejoice. But lo, sin. It taints the world, steals joy, disappoints and hurts. We refuse to look towards the King and instead dwell on our mistakes and failures. We often forget that He has put us in every season for His purpose.
Yet even with this purpose, we so often we still find ourselves in the position of the "weary soul." We cry out in distress and try every avenue to channel our pain but God. And this is why we are hurting. (Jeremiah 31:25) Because we were made for Him and nothing else. He fills the void He created. As our King, He made us to worship Him and only find contentment in Him. And some days it may feel like we are going nowhere, but take heart. Because "I know that everyday the Lord is dancing over me, turning my feeble steps into a mighty march for His glory." And in our weakest moment, God shouts over our weary bones, "I have overcome!" (John 16:33)
God wants us to seek joy in our place in His story. Charles Swindoll wrote once: "The devil, darkness and death may swagger and boast, but the pangs of life will sting for a little longer, but don't worry; the forces of evil are breathing their last. Not to worry...He is RISEN!"
Because of this truth, God is challenging us to be remarkable. He is preparing us for this new life. Through our trials we come out as stronger, braver and bolder. (Romans 5:4) Seeking God doesn't promise a primrose path. But it's through the journey that makes us who we will become.
So take heart. Your life has purpose, direction, fulfillment, even when everything seems to be going wrong because you are His, and you are His forevermore. What comfort. What joy.
Like Job, even when we've experienced every possible kind of hurt, we still have this assurance, because we are not our own. "I know that my redeemer lives, and in the end He will stand on the earth." (Job 19:25)
"Because weeping my tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." (Psalm 30:5)
So when I am overwhelmed by joy Lord, be there. When I am low and weary of heart be there. You have brought me through trials I never thought I'd overcome. You taught me that YOU are love. Yearning for something all these years--it's led to you. You kept my head above water when my body begged to sink. What a joy it has been to see your love following me through every dark corner, and with every sunrise a new opportunity. This kind of faithfulness, through the good and the bad, reminds me why following a God like you is so rewarding.
I am not on my own. Seeing Jesus in my life gives me confidence that I've never had before. It transfixes me. It leaves me in awe. That the sustainer of this universe would come down in human form so he could have my heart. This. This gives me reason to dance. To live, pray, laugh and love.
So on hard days, don't give up. And on harder days, press on. Because He is preparing you to be remarkable. Wave after wave, storm after storm, He is constant. He loves you. He hurts when you hurt, he rejoices when you rejoice. But most of all, He loves you with an earth shaking love that only you can claim. So when days tarry on, take heart. Jesus has made himself available. He is forgiving, and you are forgiven. He died to talk with you, be with you, and lead you.
He is all knowing and all loving. He is one man, one act of love. And you are cherished, sought after, and irrevocably
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